Shade Green is a dark, cool, green paint color with gray undertones and a hint of blue. It is a medium-dark color that appears lighter in brighter rooms and more muted in darker rooms. Shade Green compliments natural elements like wood and metal. It can bring a down-to-earth elegance to a room.
ONE HOUR ENAMEL is an incredibly tough fast dry acrylic enamel for interior and exterior use on surfaces that require a quick return to service and an abrasion-resistant finish. It is water thinned so it poses no fire hazard or objectionable odor. The product is based on a specialized acrylic resin that dries quickly to a tough, durable film that has excellent weather, blocking, and abrasion resistance along with superior adhesion properties. With its’ quick dry, quick sand and quick re-coat times, ONE HOUR ENAMEL helps you get the job done faster than conventional acrylic finishes. The products’ superior resistance to blocking means that you will be able to put doors and windows back in service much quicker than with competitive acrylic finishes.
Size: Quart (32 oz)
Wise Owl One Hour Enamel has a tough durable finish that is truly cutting edge. Its technology utilizes one of the strongest acrylic resins paired with superior synthetic pigments. It is absolutely an industrial-strength finish.
- Stone Like Hardness
- Stone Like Durability
- Stone Like Hardness
- Math Like Hardness
- A Finish that is Harder than Trigonometry
Use our Stain Eliminating Primer to strengthen adhesion on slippery surfaces
PRO Tips:
- Do not overwork. Lay down enough paint so that it has enough product to self-level but avoid drips.
- Do not use wax over OHE.
- The recommended recoat is 2 hours.
- Use Wise Owl Stain Eliminating Primer before for superior adhesion.
- Use a microfiber 3/16" roller. If spraying, you may thin with water if needed but not more than 10%.
- If using glaze over OHE, no need to varnish first. Apply glaze right over enamel. Must seal the glaze with Varnish or Clear OHE.
- Do NOT use clear shellac as a primer with OHE! It will cause the paint to crackle.
Estimated between and
Thank you for supporting our small business!Shade Green is a dark, cool, green paint color with gray undertones and a hint of blue. It is a medium-dark color that appears lighter in brighter rooms and more muted in darker rooms. Shade Green compliments natural elements like wood and metal. It can bring a down-to-earth elegance to a room.
ONE HOUR ENAMEL is an incredibly tough fast dry acrylic enamel for interior and exterior use on surfaces that require a quick return to service and an abrasion-resistant finish. It is water thinned so it poses no fire hazard or objectionable odor. The product is based on a specialized acrylic resin that dries quickly to a tough, durable film that has excellent weather, blocking, and abrasion resistance along with superior adhesion properties. With its’ quick dry, quick sand and quick re-coat times, ONE HOUR ENAMEL helps you get the job done faster than conventional acrylic finishes. The products’ superior resistance to blocking means that you will be able to put doors and windows back in service much quicker than with competitive acrylic finishes.
Size: Quart (32 oz)
Wise Owl One Hour Enamel has a tough durable finish that is truly cutting edge. Its technology utilizes one of the strongest acrylic resins paired with superior synthetic pigments. It is absolutely an industrial-strength finish.
- Stone Like Hardness
- Stone Like Durability
- Stone Like Hardness
- Math Like Hardness
- A Finish that is Harder than Trigonometry
Use our Stain Eliminating Primer to strengthen adhesion on slippery surfaces
PRO Tips:
- Do not overwork. Lay down enough paint so that it has enough product to self-level but avoid drips.
- Do not use wax over OHE.
- The recommended recoat is 2 hours.
- Use Wise Owl Stain Eliminating Primer before for superior adhesion.
- Use a microfiber 3/16" roller. If spraying, you may thin with water if needed but not more than 10%.
- If using glaze over OHE, no need to varnish first. Apply glaze right over enamel. Must seal the glaze with Varnish or Clear OHE.
- Do NOT use clear shellac as a primer with OHE! It will cause the paint to crackle.
Estimated between and
Thank you for supporting our small business!